Joel Singer in the Media


Interviews with Joel Singer


Annexation Violates Oslo Accords, Says Israel’s Former Negotiator

June 10, 2020 – Haaretz

“Oslo” Play at the Round House Theater

May 11, 2019 – i24News Interview (video)

25 Years Later, A Peek Behind the Scenes of the OSLO Accords

December 20, 2018 – Kol Habirah

Twenty-Five Years After the Oslo Accords

October 2, 2018 – Council on Foreign Relations (video)

Oslo Architect: Not Halting Settlement Expansion a ‘Cardinal’ Error

September 7, 2018 – i24 News (Video)

Rabin’s Man in Oslo Analyzes What Went Wrong – and Right – With the 1993 Accords

For a PDF version, click here.
September 6, 2018 – Haaretz

The Oslo Peace Process: Interview with Joel Singer

For a PDF version, click here.
August 24, 2018 – Israel Affairs

Prospects for Peace: The Conflict in the Middle East

March 2, 2002 – PBS WETA, NewsHour with Jim Lehrer

Syria-Israel Peace Talks

January 4, 2000 – C-Span (video)

Interview with Joel Singer (Voice of Israel Radio)

March 11, 1997 – Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs