Joel Singer in the Media


Articles, Interviews and Speaking Events


The Oslo Legacy: Thirty years On

September 19, 2023 – Israel Policy Forum (video)

Ahmed Qurei, 1937-2023 (Eulogy for Abu Ala)

March 3, 2023 – Washington Examiner

A Palestinian Outlet to the World, A Path toward Peace? Considerations and options for a Gaza Seaport

June 1, 2022 – The Cairo Review of Global Affairs (co-authored with Dr. Asaf Ashar)

West Bank Areas A, B and C – How Did They Come into Being?

For a PDF version, click here.
June 1, 2021 – International Negotiation Journal

The Israel-PLO Mutual Recognition Agreement

For a PDF version, click here.
June 1, 2021 – International Negotiation Journal

Where You Sit is Where You Stand: Table Arrangement Battles in Middle East Peace Conferences

For a PDF version, click here.
June 1, 2021 – International Negotiation Journal


For a PDF version, click here.
May 1, 2021 – International Legal Materials

Rabin’s 1989 Peace Initiative – When The Security Hawk First Displayed His Dovish Peace Policy

October 27, 2020 – Fathom

The Use of Constructive Ambiguity in Israel-Arab Peace Negotiations

For a PDF version, click here.
August 1, 2020 – Israel Yearbook on Human Rights

Annexation Violates Oslo Accords, Says Israel’s Former Negotiator

June 10, 2020 – Haaretz

“Oslo” Play at the Round House Theater

May 11, 2019 – i24News Interview (video)

Developing the Concept of Palestinian Autonomy

February 24, 2019 – The Cairo Review of Global Affairs

Anziska’s “Preventing Palestine”: An Exchange (1) Joel Singer’s Review

February 13, 2019 – Fathom

1 State, 2 State…3 State?

January 2, 2019 – Center for Israel Education at Emory University (video)

25 Years Later, A Peek Behind the Scenes of the OSLO Accords

December 20, 2018 – Kol Habirah

Twenty-Five Years After the Oslo Accords

October 2, 2018 – Council on Foreign Relations (video)

The Oslo Diaries: Insiders’ Views of the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process Then and Now

For a PDF version, click here.
September 13, 2018 – The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (video)

Sealing the Deal

September 12, 2018 – The American Interest

Oslo Architect: Not Halting Settlement Expansion a ‘Cardinal’ Error

September 7, 2018 – i24 News (Video)

Rabin’s Man in Oslo Analyzes What Went Wrong – and Right – With the 1993 Accords

For a PDF version, click here.
September 6, 2018 – Haaretz

Oslo25 | Twenty five years since Oslo: an insider’s account

August 31, 2018 – Fathom

The Oslo Peace Process: Interview with Joel Singer

For a PDF version, click here.
August 24, 2018 – Israel Affairs

Track-Two Diplomacy: Toward an Israeli-Palestinian Solution, 1978-2014 (Book Review)

For a PDF version, click here.
October 1, 2015 – Middle East Quarterly

Negotiating Outside the Law – Why Camp David Failed (Book Review)

June 23, 2006 – Middle East Quarterly

Path to Peace?

May 6, 2002 – Legal Times

The Oslo Accords – International Law and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Agreements (Book Review)

April 1, 2002 – Middle East Quarterly

The More Things Change, The More He’s the Same

For a PDF version, click here.
March 24, 2002 – The Washington Post

Prospects for Peace: The Conflict in the Middle East

March 2, 2002 – PBS WETA, NewsHour with Jim Lehrer

The Qualifying Industrial Zone Initiative – A New Tool to Provide Economic Assistance to Middle Eastern Countries Engaged in the Peace Process

January 1, 2002 – Fordham International Law Journal

Counterpoint: No Palestinian ‘Return’ to Israel

January 4, 2001 – Human Rights Brief, American University Washington College of Law

No Palestinian “Return” to Israel

January 1, 2001 – ABA Journal

The Arafat Expert

For a PDF version, click here.
October 30, 2000 – New York Magazine

Mideast Summit Ends in Failure

July 26, 2000 – Chicago Tribune

Hope Lies in Very Fact of Summit, Clinton Says

July 11, 2000 – Los Angeles Times

Israeli End-Game

April 1, 2000 – Middle East Insight

News Analysis: U.S. plays mother-hen in Israeli-Syrian talks

January 7, 2000 – The Jewish News of Northern California

A Syria-Israel Summit: Prospects for Peace

January 7, 2000 – The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

A Diplomat Who Defies Conventions

January 5, 2000 – The Washington Post

Syria-Israel Peace Talks

January 4, 2000 – C-Span (video)

The Legal Implications of May 4, 1999

April 9, 1999 – The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

Mayday for Oslo

For a PDF version, click here.
April 1, 1999 – The National Interest

Legal Aspects of the ‘May 4 Issue’

March 22, 1999 – The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

The Oslo Peace Process – A View from Within

March 1, 1999 – New Political Entities in Public and Private International Law

Judgment in Jerusalem – Chief Justice Simon Agranat and the Zionist Century (Book Review)

March 1, 1998 – Middle East Quarterly

Messrs. Netanyahu and Arafat Come to Town: Peace Process Prospects, 1998

January 21, 1998 – The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

The Emerging Palestinian Democracy Under The West Bank and Gaza Strip Self-Government Arrangements

September 1, 1997 – Israel Yearbook on Human Rights

Interview with Joel Singer (Voice of Israel Radio)

March 11, 1997 – Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs

The Oslo Process: Hebron and Beyond

January 15, 1997 – The Washington Institute for Near East Policy

The Nuts and Bolts of Peace

January 1, 1997 – ABA Journal

The West Bank and Gaza Strip: Phase Two

December 1, 1995 – The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists

Aspects of Foreign Relations under the Israeli-Palestinian Agreements on Interim Self-Government Arrangements for the West Bank and Gaza

April 1, 1994 – Israel Law Review

The Declaration of Principles on Interim Self-Government Arrangements – Some Legal Aspects

February 1, 1994 – The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists

First Steps Toward Justice

February 1, 1994 – ABA Journal

The Establishment of a Civil Administration in the Areas Administered by Israel

January 1, 1982 – Israel Yearbook on Human Rights